Chado is a Russian architectural studio. We work with architectural engineering, landscape design, interior design, interpreting these disciplines as parts of the whole. Chado works out the public and private projects not only in Russia but also abroad. At the moment, we have experience in architectural project implementation in Russia, Latvia, Ukraine, Switzerland, Kazakhstan, Estonia, Montenegro, Italy. The studio has branches in five Russian cities. Our projects were honoured and published in media of different countries around the world. Honesty is the most important thing on which based Chado during project elaborating. This principle reflects in our architecture: it is open and truthful, thoughtful and cautious, it does not dominate the person and does not put him down. We treat ornamental and constructive features of materials with respect, and that is how we reach the pureness and proportionality of every detail. Due to this approach Chado creates comfortable, qualitative and beautiful architecture, which responds to its place and time.

- Moscow
- 57 zdjęć